I would like to try to install kopia app as client server model.
I install kopia.io on debian server where kopia is running as a service via systemd.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/kopia server start --tls-cert-file /home/kopia/ssl_2025/b.cert --tls-key-file /home/kopia/ssl_2025/b.key --address
–server-control-username control --htpasswd-file /home/kopia/koppass --server-username=kopiaSuperAdmin --enable-actions
I install kopiaUI on windows server. If i’m logged and manually start app kopiaUI everything works. KopiaUI is running on background. But I must to be logged. It’s possible create windows service? Can i use backup and scheduler parameters from KopiaUI ? I need to be independent form user interaction. If is logged or not. Bud I like to use kopiaUI as config interface.