Containerized Kopia server setup

This is the route where the files are

I bellieve there is no Path /app mount in your docker from the host so

Put your .htpasswd in config directory
and use :
server --insecure --htpasswd-file /app/config/.htpasswd --address --server-username=admin


add an other path var :
/app/htpasswd → /mnt/user/Docker/Kopia/htpasswd
and put you .htpassword in it.
then use :
server --insecure --htpasswd-file /app/hpasswd/.htpasswd --address --server-username=admin

Let me know

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Thanks a lot, now it works :slight_smile:

I have another problem now, when I try to enter in the command line I get this error

There is a docker image with the tooling needed? if I can not get to the console how can I run a benchmark?

$ kopia benchmark crypto
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Kopia container do not have shell so from the host

 docker exec <container id> /app/kopia benchmark crypto

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Thanks, in addition considering this container doesn’t include rclone does the native rclone integration works?
What would be the best way to do it? Mount it with rclone and use the filesystem integration?
It would be nice to have native onedrive integration

what are you trying to accomplish ? with rclone ?

I would like to backup files to onedrive

I am trying to mount the Rclone executable route on the docker container, I have installed rclone plugin of Unraid but I’m not able to find the route where it is installed to mount it on the Kopia docker. How have you done this?

Hi ,
i am not using this , since

I am following the 3-2-1 concept (more or less)
3 x copy of the data
2 x different media
1 x offsite

so i have 2 local copies of my data and i am using a S3 as repo

rclone is not available in the container image, you can add it yourself using Dockerfile which can be quite simple

FROM kopia/kopia:latest
ADD /path/to/prebuilt/linux/rclone /bin/rclone

This will make another container image, which you can push to some container registry and use instread of kopia/kopia:latest

that’s an other solution , but by experience it is painful sinc eyou must maintin it…
i mean dont forget to update when kopia or rclone update :slight_smile:
but hey… i am sometime lazy

Maybe is easy but too much for me. Shouldn’t the official Kopia docker include rclone already since is part of the functionality of the product and without it this part is missing?

I don’t think you have plans to support other storage providers and the only solution is to use Rclone.


version: '3.8'
        image: kopia/kopia:latest
        hostname: metal
        # restart: unless-stopped
            KOPIA_PASSWORD: zaqwsx
            TZ: America/Los_Angeles
            RCLONE_CONFIG: /rclone/config/rclone.conf
            - ./config:/app/config
            - ./cache:/app/cache
            - ./cache:/app/logs
            - ./backup:/app/backup:ro
            - rclone_bin:/rclone/bin
            - ./rclone_conf:/rclone/config
        entrypoint: ["/app/kopia", "server", "--insecure", "--address=", "--override-username=kopia@metal", "--server-username=kopia@metal", "--server-password=zaqwsx"]

        image: rclone/rclone:latest
            - rclone_bin:/usr/local/bin


Thanks for the report.

We just pushed first kopia docker image which includes built-in rclone. It’s using rclone 1.57.0 - we’ll be trying to reasonably follow rclone releases.

It’s currently under kopia/kopia:unstable - next release will promote it to kopia/kopia:latest and so on.

$ docker run -it -v ~/Library/Application\ Support/kopia:/app/config -v ~/.config/rclone/:/app/rclone kopia/kopia:unstable --config-file dockertest.config repo connect rclone --remote-path gdrive:kopia55
Enter password to open repository: 

Connected to repository.
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I test the new version and had some issue , but i testing behind a proxy
i will try to test this week-end with no proxy to see how it go

behind the proxy, while the connection and creation of repo work , i could not make any snapshot…
always get a 502, so will let you know

I have Kopia successfully running on unraid. How would I give the kopia container access to all the unraid shares?

add or use backuproot Path

What do you mean by backuproot Path?

I tried setting the container path for /app/data to /mnt/user

I then tried backing up a share but I kopia errors saying file permissions denied.