Containerized Kopia server setup

/backuproot to /mnt
and let me know

Hi - im having the same issue here with OMV6
Can you please describe , how you resolved the issue here?

Hi - im having the same issue here with OMV6
Can you please describe , how you resolved the issue here?

Sure! Make sure the folder is owned by “65532” by setting the owner/group.

chown 65532:65532 /your/repo/folder

In my case I had a typo in the Docker mount and I was mounting the wrong folder so double check that and make sure you’re mounting the correct volume. I basically mounted /your/repo/folder:/repo then I created a filesystem repo (to /repo) from within the container using a docker exec command.

It’s rclone already included in the current docker stable image?

in case anyone don’t know, kopia change the entry point from
entrypoint: ["/app/kopia"
entrypoint: ["/bin/kopia"

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This was bugging me for a while, Thanks. :grinning:

Is rclone included in the stable image? I am asking because the installation instructions still say to mount rclone externally: Download & Installation | Kopia

I was able to get this up and running using a stack very similar to this with a few minor changes.

  • Kopia is not working with the latest version of Rclone, so I changed the image to rclone/rclone:1.60.1
  • I mounted the same folder I had for my rclone config in my Kopia service to Rclone at /config/rclone and set it to shared in each instance.
  • I setup my Rclone config on another machine and then copied rclone.conf info the shared config folder.

I am running the built in Rclone GUI so I have some other changes as well, but I think these changes would be enough to make this stack work.

For anybody wondering about this (as I still was this morning): yes, rclone is now included in the stable (latest) image.

When setting up a repository, the Rclone Executable Path can be left empty. Kopia knows where it’s located.

Is there some kind of tutorial how to setup Kopia Server with Portainer in OMV?