Documenting policy options

Hi @budy, thanks a lot for your answer.

Actually in the meantime I have found this post, and it looks like those options have no effect without a running server or UI. I believe this is typically something which could be mentioned in the help message.

Concerning my third point, the help messages are already great as they are, but unfortunately I found myself digging in the argument parsing on GitHub because I was missing some essential info like the --compression-min-size unit I mentioned (which btw I confirm is measured in bytes). It would be really helpful to e.g. change the current message (–compression-min-size=COMPRESSION-MIN-SIZE Min size of file to attempt compression for) to something like (–compression-min-size=INT Min size of file to attempt compression for [0 bytes]). Another example is --compression, whose help message is currently –compression=COMPRESSION Compression algorithm: would be nice to add –compression=<pgzip|s2|zstd> Compression algorithm: choose [don’t compress].
