Error in full maintenance : failed to rewrite : invalid length

Hello everyone,

I am using kopia 0.15.0, with a repository on a remote CIFS/SMB filesystem.
I recently get issue while running full maintenance:

Running full maintenance...
Looking for active contents...
Looking for unreferenced contents...
... found 100000 unused contents so far (77.8 GB bytes)
... found 700000 unused contents so far (246.8 GB bytes)
GC found 723087 unused contents (246.9 GB)
GC found 491 unused contents that are too recent to delete (1.4 GB)
GC found 5354589 in-use contents (5 TB)
GC found 216 in-use system-contents (259.7 KB)
Rewriting contents from short packs...
unable to rewrite content "841010b6a7d8d18f1012056a2b84a9b2": unable to get content data and info: error getting cached content: failed to get blob with ID p7f3cd89829fcd0390df96572c65bc6e4-sbe26981b7252dc43124: **invalid length**
unable to rewrite content "1e9e0fabcd0b3c5664fde3c31511f63f": unable to get content data and info: error getting cached content: failed to get blob with ID p6bd32702e498cbcb2523ac4fc1bd4cc3-se2612cdff481b5a7125: **invalid length**
unable to rewrite content "cd024da84d174ed0752c77689952f847": unable to get content data and info: error getting cached content: failed to get blob with ID p0d628404d9366ad9fd892d4637628acd-sc39c7106dc4082d2125: invalid length
Total bytes rewritten 1.8 GB
Finished full maintenance.
ERROR error rewriting contents in short packs: failed to rewrite 18 contents

I already searched the forum, found many posts about failed maintenance, but without any definitive solution or official procedure to fix these issues.

It seems that 3 differents BLOBS are concerned. What does “invalid length” mean ?

Is there a systematic way of fixing these issues, or at least, could I determine which snapshots are concerned, so I could delete them specifically ?
