How to list ignored directories in the CLI?


I am interested if I it possible to list the ignored directories from the CLI? I have set them in the global policy, so I would be interested seeing the ignored paths from the global policy.

I am on build 0.12.1.


policy show

more details here:


Unfortunately this will not show the actual ignored path definitions.

As I use a global policy, the following command is issued:

kopia policy show --global

However this only outputs:

Policy for (global):

  Annual snapshots:                     3   (defined for this target)
  Monthly snapshots:                   24   (defined for this target)
  Weekly snapshots:                     4   (defined for this target)
  Daily snapshots:                      7   (defined for this target)
  Hourly snapshots:                    48   (defined for this target)
  Latest snapshots:                    10   (defined for this target)
  Ignore identical snapshots:       false   (defined for this target)

Files policy:
  Ignore cache directories:          true   (defined for this target)
  No ignore rules:
  Read ignore rules from files:             (defined for this target)
  Scan one filesystem only:         false   (defined for this target)

Error handling policy:
  Ignore file read errors:          false   (defined for this target)
  Ignore directory read errors:     false   (defined for this target)
  Ignore unknown types:              true   (defined for this target)

Scheduling policy:
  Scheduled snapshots:
  Manual snapshot:                  false   (defined for this target)

  Max parallel snapshots (server/UI):   1   (defined for this target)
  Max parallel file reads:              -   (defined for this target)
  Parallel upload above size:       2 GiB   (defined for this target)

Compression disabled.

No actions defined.

Logging details (0-none, 10-maximum):
  Directory snapshotted:                5   (defined for this target)
  Directory ignored:                    5   (defined for this target)
  Entry snapshotted:                    0   (defined for this target)
  Entry ignored:                        5   (defined for this target)
  Entry cache hit:                      0   (defined for this target)

then in cmd:

kopia policy show --global


Files policy:
  Ignore cache directories:          true   (defined for this target)
  Ignore rules:                             (defined for this target)
  Read ignore rules from files:             (defined for this target)
  Scan one filesystem only:         false   (defined for this target)

can you check with kopia UI if you have policies set?

One explanation is that you have more than one repository connected in UI - in that case you have to add correct --config-file to make sure your cmd command interacts with correct repo e.g. in my case:

kopia --config-file="/Users/kptsky/Library/Application Support/kopia/repository-1655971231834.config" policy show --global

if you connected to repo via UI you can check its config file location by clicking at orange icon at the bottom: