Kopia Deleting blobs prematurely

Looks like Kopia has deleted blobs.

kopia maintenance run
ERROR unable to get maintenance params: error looking for maintenance manifest: unable to load manifest contents: error loading manifest content: error getting cached content: failed to get blob with ID qff19364ef182b97dd4315f9514fbd63e-s940299c9a4d00b1c115: BLOB not found

kopia content verify
Listing blobs…
10000 blobs…
Listed 13578 blobs.
Verifying all contents…
Verified 1 contents, 0 errors, estimating…
ERROR error content 4d11b4d5b8c164f0a45825fd248c000f depends on missing blob pacc9f2e5fb9700252570c506af6fc5bb-s4527963bbe3d8090115

Finished verifying 4828 contents, found 46 errors.
ERROR encountered 46 errors

The missing files are not in cache on the PC. Checked several. All not found/

Just noticed today. Looks like this took place Oct 24 since it’s the last log before I noticed.Today’s logs show nothing. Want to clean this up so I can continue running snapshots. It’s my 2nd backup device for failsafe. 2 separate AWS servers and 1 local hd backup. 2 out of 3 are fine.