The documentation mentions log retention policies (–log-dir-max-files etc.), but which commands accepts those flags?
Is there a way to set the flags permanently in the config file and or policies?
The documentation mentions log retention policies (–log-dir-max-files etc.), but which commands accepts those flags?
Is there a way to set the flags permanently in the config file and or policies?
I guess kopia set policy ...
, although I don’t see it in the --help
I’m not an expert in GoLang, but it looks from source code that
it should be given directly to kopia --log-dir-max-files=1 kopia_command ...
I can’t see it in code or docs, so I think it should be used as an argument to kopia
There’s more useful options: --help-long
that extracts almost all
Ok, filed an issue to add log storage and retention settings to config and/or policies: Add log retention settings to config or policies · Issue #1847 · kopia/kopia · GitHub