RPM/YUM repository is available for testing

If you use CentOS or RedHat, it’s a nice way of keeping kopia up-to-date similar to APT repository.

There are 3 release tracks:

  • stable - official tagged releases (no release candidates)
  • testing - official tagged releases (including release candidates)
  • unstable - nightly builds

All RPMs are signed. Please take them for a spin and report any issues here.

Right now stable and testing tracks have 0.6.4 build, unstable will have a build soon.

Great - thank you! The change for the checkpointing code:


would it go into unstable?

That is correct. Next week well move to testing and shortly after to stable.

Alright - I’ll give it a spin on my KV dumps…

The change will go to unstable when submitted. It is still being reviewed.

Yeah… I noticed that much… :wink: Can you give us a heads-up, when this has happened?