So these are two loosely related questions about snapshot information, it is something that I’m always curious about with backup programs and filesystems able to snapshot.
One, I’d like to diff two snapshots (normally two consecutive ones, but no matter). I know I can mount and use any diffing program, but I am looking for something in-kopia that could be faster e.g. for remote backends. Going through the help didn’t turn anything evident.
The second one is whether there is a way to know the “unique” size of a snapshot, and by that I mean which files are present only in that snapshot. That is, if you were to delete it, what space would you recover/files would be lost forever. I don’t really see a way of doing this externally.
Have you tried kopia diff ? It does not report size difference (contributions to add this are welcome), but would generally tell you the difference between two snapshots.
I think I found the reason. The diff returning the error is for remote snapshots taken in other machine. So my setup is that I have a common backend (rclone to gdrive), and snapshots in the local machine work fine with diff but snapshots taken in other machines cannot be diff’d locally.