I am hoping this post becomes a place where people continue to share thoughts the provide a mutual benefit for all who happen upon it as well as myself and my particular problem.
I am attaching two things. A picture which provides the group an idea of what I hope to accomplish and a video that provides some ideas of things I am trying out.
Please add your thoughts in the thread and let’s create a popcorn trail for myself and others to follow how are trying to do something similar, or some parts of this similarly.
This is what I hope to complete using Kopia Backup
Here is a video that shows some of what I’ve done so far as I try to figure out how to do these things. I will post other videos as we move along in this solution.
The more machines there are which back up to a specific machine, the more important it is going to be to have the option to take, for example, hourly snapshots not on the hour, but rather to take them an hour after some random time since the machine in question started (and then to continue every 60 minutes after that). That’s the easiest way to spread the load on the machine hosting the repositories and the network infrastructure closest to it.
Machines which move across networks will need a way to disable kopia-UI’s knowledge of repositories which cannot be reached at the moment. See my two posts:
Thank you for your words of wisdom. I have succeeded in getting the first part of the mystery solved ie; how to backup my servers snapshots to multiple repositories ie; 1 internal and 1 external. It is working beautifully.
That’s actually not difficult, if you’re running a Kopia server. I have multiple clients backing up to the same Kopia repo simultaneously without issues. You simply create the appropriate users on the repo and point your local Kopia instances to the server using the assigned credentials and options, where needed.