I’ve done some googling online and I can’t seem to nail down whether or not I can setup a failed snapshot notification in Kopia UI. It seems like it is possible in the CLI version.
Is there a way to do this in Kopia UI? I searched through all of the policy settings and nothing seems to match up with that exact description. It would be great if I could get an email or even just a notifications from the app on my Mac / PC.
Thanks for sharing! Sounds like since I am using KopiaUI that system notifications should be triggered and won’t be configurable past the defaults:
“For the KopiaUI app there will be additional hidden profile and rule and all failure events will automatically bubble up as system popup notifications, this won’t be configurable.”
But it doesn’t state whether or not this is actually live in Kopia yet, I assume it is not…
I do not want to ignore all errors, but I do not want repeated notifications when Kopia fails to access the repository (e.g., target drive not connected). I just want to be notified once about this type of failure until the next successful run.