After update to kopiaUI 19 backups work OK but an annoyance started to happen. Now very frequently or always when my laptop goes to sleep and then I woke it up to resume working, then I gest a toast (tray) notification of an error about a maintenance task failure. Looking the logs, the maintenance task is retried and the second time succeeds.
Log is like
Maintenance: Periodic maintenance
Error: error updating maintenance schedule: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can’t re-create top-level directory \nas\my-share\kopia-backup-data: top-level directory not found.
23:49:56.105 due for full maintenance cycle
23:49:56.105 Acquiring maintenance lock in file C:\Users\jesus\AppData\Roaming\kopia\repository.config.mlock
23:49:56.357 scheduling next full cycle at 2025-01-29 23:49:56.3575618 +0100 CET
23:49:56.357 scheduling next quick cycle at 2025-01-29 00:49:56.3575618 +0100 CET
\nas is a 24h ON linux machine with a samba share.
Is it only me?