KopiaUI repository does not show the correct "last modification" of snapshots in folders


I found out that KopiaUI (Windows) repository does not show the right “last modification” date of snapshots. When I open my Path I see snapshots which were created. When I then open a snapshot, I see names of my folders which were backed up and a date in “Last Modification”, which is not correct. Despite the fact, that I changed something in one of my folder, I have to open the folder, and then I can see the right (the latest) date of last modification.

My directory looks like this:
Snapshot → Folders (with wrong date in Last Modification) → open one of the folder (with the correct date in Last Modification)

Is it possible to repair it?

Thanks for your help.

So it is not able to view a correct (new) date of Last Modification of parent folder, in which is folder, where something has changed (and has the correct date). The same issues are also with parent folder in folder, which is in another folder, where is a file, which has changed… What should I do?


file an issue on github, if that is a bug. I am not sure, what the implementation should look like. If there is a subtle change in one file, the whole tree would get that modification date. I think, that is not how it should work.

But opening an issue would provide the chance to discuss that topic.
