I want to use KopiaUI (0.15.0) with WebDAV on my local network.
The WebDAV server has a self-signed cert.
When accessing the SSL WebDAV path with KopiaUI, I get an error message: No valid authority.
I don’t see seeting in KopiaUI to allow this self signed cert.
Can you give some guidance how I would achieve this when using the Kopia docker image? I tried copying the certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ and running update-ca-certificates inside the container. This resulted in curl being able to access the WebDAV server with a self-signed certificate but kopia (CLI) still returns the following error:
ERROR unable to get repository storage: error listing blobs: error processing directory shards: error reading directory: error reading WebDAV dir: ReadDir /: Propfind "https://my-webdav-server": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match my-webdav-server