Planning for 0.8 release

Now that 0.7 release is out it’s time to think about work items for 0.8 (tentatively scheduled for 6 weeks from now).

I’ve created a milestone on github.

Please file issues for stuff you’d like fixed in 0.8, even better if you feel like tackling some of the issues yourself we’d be happy to review and merge PRs.

Speaking of which, we’re looking for more developers for backend (using Go) and frontend (React/Electron) to contribute and help drive new features.

Can’t find any reference of variables to use to connect/ create repos. Is that currently not available? Is passing passwords on command line the only way to connect to a repo?

There is a bunch of variables unfortunately only documented in code. KOPIA_PASSWORD allows specifying password.

Until those are documented, may be of some assistance.

Is there any hope of seeing 0.8 drop the use of htpasswd?

I grab the opportunity to resurface this:

Thanks. Will keep this in mind. I unfortunately did not make much progress so far due to work.

The main features I want to get in for 0.8 are:

  • Revamp snapshot creation UI
  • Support for data hooks
  • User management without htpasswd
  • Support for additional file system objects (devices, sockets, fifos, etc) and attributes (all’s, xattrs, perhaps alt data streams)

Sadly I was able to only make progress on the hooks front so there’s a lot to do.

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Ambitious program for V8!