Rclone remotes not working:WebDAV and SFTP

Hello. This is a new route I’m trying, because I’ve been unable to get Kopia working with WebDAV or SFTP, as seen in:

Invalid length when restoring in forum and same in github Last byte missing when using WebDAV repository

and Can’t create SFTP repository that probably has to do with SFTP repository won’t work if remote SSH server using non standard 22 port

So, I set up rclone, create two new remotes, one for my sftp server and one for my webdav server, tested them, listing directories and copying files, and the two are working ok.

When creating repositories in KopiaUI both of them give me the same error.

Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: connect error: unable to write blobcfg blob: PutBlob() failed for "kopia.blobcfg": error writing blob using WebDAV: unable to complete WriteTemporaryFileAndCreateParentDirs despite 10 retries: BLOB not found

Something related to WebDAV, but I’m trying to create a rclone repository? And for a sftp rclone remote too?

I really like the concept of Kopia, and the GUI, but this is really frustrating.

Can you help, please?

EDIT: tried rclone version 1.60.0 too, getting this
Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: connect error: unable to write blobcfg blob: PutBlob() failed for "kopia.blobcfg": error writing blob using WebDAV: unable to complete PutBlob(kopia.blobcfg) despite 10 retries: Write kopia.blobcfg.f-6263450610539110790: 405
for the sftp rclone repository, after kopiaUI ask for the repository password.

Enter password to open repository:

WARN unable to persist sharding parameters: unable to complete WriteTemporaryFileAndCreateParentDirs despite 10 retries: BLOB not found
ERROR error connecting to repository: repository not initialized in the provided storage

I am using kopia 12.1 with rclone 61.1
Rclone remote onedrive.

I feel it’s more to do with rclone, will try downgrade rclone and check again tomorrow.


There have been quite a few reports lately of rclone problems with kopia. I think everyone solved their problems by going down to rclone 1.59 series.

No way. Installed rclone 1.59.0.

Now getting this for the sftp one, after kopiaUI asks for the repository password:

Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: connect error: unable to write blobcfg blob: PutBlob() failed for "kopia.blobcfg": error writing blob using WebDAV: unable to complete PutBlob(kopia.blobcfg) despite 10 retries: Write kopia.blobcfg.f-6941261091797652072: 405

and when trying to connect to webdav remote:

Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: unable to complete GetBlob(kopia.repository,0,-1) despite 10 retries: error populating output: unexpected EOF

Of course, rclone lsd my-webdav and rclone lsd my-sftp are responding correctly.

Going down to 59.0 worked