Server mode how to: windows

sorry but after reading many pages I really have not yet understood how to create a server host were all other machines in my local network will create their backups. I have this windows 10 pc, install kopiaui? And then what? How to configure it as the server host?

maybe build a SFTP or WebDav or S3 server? so all Kopia client can use it as a destination.

Sorry but cannot understand yr answer… maybe you did not read my question. I want to use kopia as destination server but a full guide on kopia server start command seems missing or at least quite unclear

Here you are there is documentation:

You start kopia server with:

kopia server start ...

Server part is command line only.

You will find plenty of clarifications on this forum. I recommend for example to read @compumatter posts. He explained overall setup and some more complicated details.

All together is not trivial to setup and use but not rocket science neither. If you are familiar with some computing and command line you should succeed and have some fun in the process:)

As @alix already mentioned you might not need kopia server at all. All your clients can backup to the same repository which can be hosted on one of your Windows machines and accessed over sftp/webdav/s3 (whatever you fancy to configure).

Which approach you take is up to you.

ok now a little clearer.
after fighting on “known host file” and “repository path” I have it working with sftpgo as sftp repository destination.
thank you

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…and many thanks to @DoTheEvo for updating his guide in Kopia Server in Windows
now I have a clear and working starting point for a repository server on a windows machine