Snap of a data partition


On windows, I have an encrypted partition I’m trying to backup. here is a snap attempt:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>kopia snapshot create --all
    Snapshotting Antoine@desktop-xxx:J:\ ...
     \ 0 hashing, 6 hashed (1.9 MB), 37990 cached (102.1 GB), uploaded 208 B, estimating...                     ←[33m
     ! Error when processing "System Volume Information": Access denied
     * 0 hashing, 6 hashed (1.9 MB), 45868 cached (113.2 GB), uploaded 8.9 KB (1 fatal errors), estimating...
    Created snapshot with root k9f70db4c542b9a10e15462ab8f16332d and ID 06af7ee2b8a7c8384962d4d7f289845a in 2s
    ERROR: Found 1 fatal error(s) while snapshotting Antoine@desktop-xxx:J:\.

Is this an expected error?

Yeah, this directory is not readable by regular users.

So what’s the best alternative? Snapping the subdirectories one by one?
or is it safe to ignore the error?


Is there something in it that you want backed up?

Yes. Every folders. In fact, the partition is encrypted, but J: refers to where it is mounted in clear. For now, I snap every single directories in J:. I suppose it might not be as efficient (is it ?) as snapping the parent directory, J: if possible.