Understanding kopia actions


I created an “After Snapshot” script to ping healthchecks.io when the backup finished.
Will this script also run when the snapshot failed?
What is the “After Snapshot Command Mode” for?
And what is the difference between after snapshot and after folder?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

while getopts u: flag
case "${flag}" in
    u) uuid=${OPTARG};;

/usr/bin/curl -fsS --retry 3 https://hc-ping.com/$uuid
exit 0

nobody? my questions are still open :frowning:

It should but like many things in kopia if your life depends on it better test or check source code (and still test):slight_smile: And share results with others.

It defines how action is run (sync vs async) and how its exit status influences backup exit status.

One is run after snapshot is finished and the other after specific folder backup (can be many times within one snapshot for different folders). Please note that you can’t assign “before/after folder” actions to specific folders using GUI - if you need it check documentation and use CLI.