I really want to like Kopia, but this is really frustrating. After verifying for two days - it ejects the whole verification process after failing to find a single blob? With roughly 20,000 blobs to go?
What is my reasonable expectation? “Log a note - continue”. Is that too much to expect?
kopia snapshot verify --verify-files-percent 100
Processed 242688 objects.
Processed 242721 objects.
Processed 242740 objects.
Processed 242752 objects.
Processed 242769 objects.
Processed 243030 objects.
Processed 243059 objects.
Processed 243094 objects.
Processed 243201 objects.
Processed 243210 objects.
Processed 243220 objects.
Processed 243242 objects.
Processed 243269 objects.
Processed 243297 objects.
Processed 243316 objects.
Processed 243746 objects.
ERROR error processing User@desktop-kh0mk6g:G:\1MasterPhotoArchive@2024-11-24 16:50:56 CST/V/HomeMovieToStills/PNGVideoFramesComplete.7z: error reading object Ixa5ee585c268d7fb112fd88dc64e705e0: unable to read data: unexpected content error: error getting cached content from blob “paf87259bec2f926785696a38fbd8f8c8-s8a832f0426dbf38612f”: failed to get blob with ID paf87259bec2f926785696a38fbd8f8c8-s8a832f0426dbf38612f: BLOB not found
Finished processing 263767 objects.
ERROR error reading object Ixa5ee585c268d7fb112fd88dc64e705e0: unable to read data: unexpected content error: error getting cached content from blob “paf87259bec2f926785696a38fbd8f8c8-s8a832f0426dbf38612f”: failed to get blob with ID paf87259bec2f926785696a38fbd8f8c8-s8a832f0426dbf38612f: BLOB not found