WebDAV repository: Maintenance run yields "ERROR error deleting unreferenced blobs"

Hi there,
I have a repository on Hetzner StorageBox connected via WebDAV (https).
Issuing a maintenance run
" /opt/KopiaUI/resources/server/kopia --config-file=/home/wechsler/.config/kopia/repository.config maintenance run"
yields to an error message “error deleting unreferenced blobs”, see:

Running full maintenance…
Looking for active contents…
Processed 5523 contents, discovered 26680…
Processed 39254 contents, discovered 45819…
Processed 48576 contents, discovered 48576…
Looking for unreferenced contents…
Previous content rewrite has not been finalized yet, waiting until the next blob deletion.
Found safe time to drop indexes: 2022-01-25 19:38:40.618591334 +0100 CET
Dropping contents deleted before 2022-01-25 19:38:40.618591334 +0100 CET
Looking for unreferenced blobs…
Finished full maintenance.
ERROR error deleting unreferenced blobs: error looking for unreferenced blobs: error iterating blobs: error processing directory shards: error reading directory: error reading WebDAV dir: ReadDir /p70/12d/: Propfind “https://me.your-storagebox.de/mybackup1/p70/12d/”: read tcp 192.168.X.XXX:47442-> read: connection reset by peer

How could I fix this error?
Thanks in advance for a hint.

You could try to connect to the Hetzner storage box using sftp with a ssh key (I use it this way) and see if the problem lies within webdav or not.

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Thanks kees for this hint. I reconnected to my repository “mybackup” via SFTP instead of WebDAV and now the full maintenance runs flawlessly. So it seems that there is a problem within the WebDAV connection. SFTP seems to be free of this problem.