I am usually running my servers on Intel CPUs, but I would like to know, if anyone here could share some numbers in regards to Kopia’s performance tests on AMD CPUs?
Well, I have rather positively ancient Amd fx 6300, so I bet numbers are rather meaningless today, but nevertheless…
Parallel 1
- BLAKE2B-256 625 MiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256-128 623 MiB / second
- BLAKE3-256 469.5 MiB / second
- BLAKE3-256-128 461.9 MiB / second
- BLAKE2S-256 349.1 MiB / second
- BLAKE2S-128 323.1 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-224 251.3 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-256 236.1 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256 186.9 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256-128 184.1 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA224 180.2 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE2B-256
Parallel 2
- BLAKE2B-256-128 1.2 GiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256 1.1 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256-128 896.8 MiB / second
- BLAKE3-256 864 MiB / second
- BLAKE2S-256 676.8 MiB / second
- BLAKE2S-128 673.3 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-224 472.8 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-256 425.9 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256 355.9 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256-128 349.4 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA224 343.9 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE2B-256-128
Parrallel 3
- BLAKE2B-256-128 1.4 GiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256 1.4 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256 1.2 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256-128 1.2 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-128 0.9 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-256 0.9 GiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-224 637.6 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-256 579.2 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256 479.2 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256-128 466.2 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA224 457.3 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE2B-256-128
Parrallel 4
- BLAKE2B-256-128 1.8 GiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256 1.6 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256-128 1.5 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256 1.5 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-128 1.2 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-256 1.2 GiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-224 767 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-256 720.1 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256 567.8 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA224 567.8 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256-128 559.8 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE2B-256-128
Parrallel 8
- BLAKE2B-256-128 2.1 GiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256 2.1 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256-128 2 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256 1.9 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-256 1.6 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-128 1.6 GiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-224 0.9 GiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-256 896 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256-128 714.1 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256 710.6 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA224 704.3 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE2B-256-128
Parrallel 12
- BLAKE2B-256 2.1 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256-128 2 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256 2 GiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256-128 1.9 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-256 1.6 GiB / second
- BLAKE2S-128 1.6 GiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-224 0.9 GiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-256 918.6 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256 723.1 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA224 718.7 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256-128 694.2 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE2B-256
Oh yeah… this is even lower than my, also rather old, Intel Xeon D-1518. I wonder, how current Ryzens would fare… Well…Athlon… that jogs some memories from the past… Thanks for sharing!
I don’t have quite the “latest” Ryzen, but I have the first gen Ryzen (1700). If you are curious, here are some numbers:
kopia benchmark splitter
0. FIXED-8M 311.6 TB/s count:64 min:8388608 10th:8388608 25th:8388608 50th:8388608 75th:8388608 90th:8388608 max:8388608
1. FIXED-4M 220.5 TB/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
2. FIXED-2M 130.4 TB/s count:256 min:2097152 10th:2097152 25th:2097152 50th:2097152 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
3. FIXED-1M 95.3 TB/s count:512 min:1048576 10th:1048576 25th:1048576 50th:1048576 75th:1048576 90th:1048576 max:1048576
4. FIXED 62.3 TB/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
5. DYNAMIC 366.8 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
6. DYNAMIC-4M-BUZHASH 360.2 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
7. DYNAMIC-8M-BUZHASH 333.4 MB/s count:49 min:677680 10th:5260579 25th:6528562 50th:11102775 75th:16777216 90th:16777216 max:16777216
8. DYNAMIC-1M-BUZHASH 328.1 MB/s count:428 min:9467 10th:612999 25th:766808 50th:1158068 75th:1744194 90th:2097152 max:2097152
9. DYNAMIC-2M-BUZHASH 312.9 MB/s count:204 min:64697 10th:1210184 25th:1638276 50th:2585985 75th:3944217 90th:4194304 max:4194304
10. DYNAMIC-4M-RABINKARP 113.7 MB/s count:110 min:535925 10th:2242307 25th:2767610 50th:4400962 75th:6813401 90th:8388608 max:8388608
11. DYNAMIC-2M-RABINKARP 109.8 MB/s count:204 min:535925 10th:1235674 25th:1675441 50th:2525341 75th:3658905 90th:4194304 max:4194304
12. DYNAMIC-1M-RABINKARP 106.9 MB/s count:391 min:213638 10th:623062 25th:813953 50th:1328673 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
13. DYNAMIC-8M-RABINKARP 105.1 MB/s count:60 min:1446246 10th:4337385 25th:5293196 50th:8419217 75th:12334953 90th:16777216 max:16777216
kopia benchmark crypto
Encryption Throughput
0. AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.3 GiB / second
1. CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1 GiB / second
kopia benchmark hashing
Hash Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256 2 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256-128 1.9 GiB / second
2. BLAKE2B-256-128 1 GiB / second
3. BLAKE2B-256 902.8 MiB / second
4. BLAKE2S-256 639.5 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2S-128 635 MiB / second
6. HMAC-SHA224 405.2 MiB / second
7. HMAC-SHA256 404.5 MiB / second
8. HMAC-SHA256-128 397.7 MiB / second
9. HMAC-SHA3-224 312.1 MiB / second
10. HMAC-SHA3-256 297.4 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE3-256
kopia benchmark crypto
Hash Encryption Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1 GiB / second
2. BLAKE2B-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 700.1 MiB / second
3. BLAKE3-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 698.4 MiB / second
4. BLAKE3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 684.8 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2B-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 553.3 MiB / second
6. BLAKE2B-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 530 MiB / second
7. BLAKE2S-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 500.6 MiB / second
8. BLAKE2S-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 495.5 MiB / second
9. BLAKE2S-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 420.8 MiB / second
10. BLAKE2S-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 369.4 MiB / second
11. BLAKE2B-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 353.1 MiB / second
12. HMAC-SHA256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 341.9 MiB / second
13. HMAC-SHA256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 319.8 MiB / second
14. HMAC-SHA224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 306.5 MiB / second
15. HMAC-SHA3-224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 299.9 MiB / second
16. HMAC-SHA224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 293.9 MiB / second
17. HMAC-SHA256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 277.7 MiB / second
18. HMAC-SHA256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 276.5 MiB / second
19. HMAC-SHA3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 261.7 MiB / second
20. HMAC-SHA3-224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 244.5 MiB / second
21. HMAC-SHA3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 239.4 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE3-256-128 --encryption=AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256
kopia benchmark compression --data-file=./linux-6.0.9.tar
NOTICE: The provided input file is too big, using first 128 MiB.
Compression Compressed Throughput Allocs Usage
0. s2-default 36.7 MiB 2.3 GiB/s 1166 129.2 MiB
1. s2-better 32.1 MiB 1.7 GiB/s 1129 116.5 MiB
2. s2-parallel-8 36.7 MiB 1.5 GiB/s 1037 107 MiB
3. s2-parallel-4 36.7 MiB 1.4 GiB/s 993 94.9 MiB
4. pgzip-best-speed 31 MiB 1.3 GiB/s 1462 192 MiB
5. pgzip 26.4 MiB 655.7 MiB/s 1530 133.4 MiB
6. deflate-best-speed 31 MiB 169.7 MiB/s 37 78.3 MiB
7. pgzip-best-compression 24.8 MiB 166.2 MiB/s 1635 133.3 MiB
8. zstd 23.9 MiB 162.4 MiB/s 3264 94.2 MiB
9. zstd-fastest 26.2 MiB 159.8 MiB/s 6251 94.3 MiB
10. gzip-best-speed 31.5 MiB 122.1 MiB/s 44 77.2 MiB
11. deflate-default 26.3 MiB 100.2 MiB/s 37 78.5 MiB
12. zstd-better-compression 21.6 MiB 72 MiB/s 3160 112.2 MiB
13. gzip 25.2 MiB 38.4 MiB/s 41 76.8 MiB
14. gzip-best-compression 24.9 MiB 20.3 MiB/s 41 76.8 MiB
15. deflate-best-compression 24.8 MiB 18.3 MiB/s 38 78.6 MiB
Thanks - that helps quite a bit as I am about to purchase a new storage server and I was wondering how AMD would fare against Intel in regards to Kopia.
Ryzen 5 3600:
# kopia benchmark splitter --parallel=1
0. FIXED-8M 0 B/s count:64 min:8388608 10th:8388608 25th:8388608 50th:8388608 75th:8388608 90th:8388608 max:8388608
1. FIXED-4M 0 B/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
2. FIXED-2M 0 B/s count:256 min:2097152 10th:2097152 25th:2097152 50th:2097152 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
3. FIXED-1M 0 B/s count:512 min:1048576 10th:1048576 25th:1048576 50th:1048576 75th:1048576 90th:1048576 max:1048576
4. FIXED 0 B/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
5. DYNAMIC 540.3 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
6. DYNAMIC-4M-BUZHASH 539.7 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
7. DYNAMIC-1M-BUZHASH 531.7 MB/s count:428 min:9467 10th:612999 25th:766808 50th:1158068 75th:1744194 90th:2097152 max:2097152
8. DYNAMIC-2M-BUZHASH 527.9 MB/s count:204 min:64697 10th:1210184 25th:1638276 50th:2585985 75th:3944217 90th:4194304 max:4194304
9. DYNAMIC-8M-BUZHASH 503.3 MB/s count:49 min:677680 10th:5260579 25th:6528562 50th:11102775 75th:16777216 90th:16777216 max:16777216
10. DYNAMIC-8M-RABINKARP 134.1 MB/s count:60 min:1446246 10th:4337385 25th:5293196 50th:8419217 75th:12334953 90th:16777216 max:16777216
11. DYNAMIC-4M-RABINKARP 131.7 MB/s count:110 min:535925 10th:2242307 25th:2767610 50th:4400962 75th:6813401 90th:8388608 max:8388608
12. DYNAMIC-2M-RABINKARP 130 MB/s count:204 min:535925 10th:1235674 25th:1675441 50th:2525341 75th:3658905 90th:4194304 max:4194304
13. DYNAMIC-1M-RABINKARP 128.1 MB/s count:391 min:213638 10th:623062 25th:813953 50th:1328673 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
# kopia benchmark hashing --parallel=1
Hash Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256-128 4.1 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256 3.9 GiB / second
2. BLAKE2B-256-128 1 GiB / second
3. BLAKE2B-256 1 GiB / second
4. BLAKE2S-256 740.6 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2S-128 740.6 MiB / second
6. HMAC-SHA256 488.9 MiB / second
7. HMAC-SHA256-128 485.3 MiB / second
8. HMAC-SHA224 485.3 MiB / second
9. HMAC-SHA3-224 414.8 MiB / second
10. HMAC-SHA3-256 393.6 MiB / second
# kopia benchmark crypto --parallel=1
Hash Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GiB / second
2. BLAKE3-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.3 GiB / second
3. BLAKE3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.3 GiB / second
4. BLAKE2B-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 751.7 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2B-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 689.5 MiB / second
6. BLAKE2B-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 684.8 MiB / second
7. BLAKE2B-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 627.7 MiB / second
8. BLAKE2S-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 577.9 MiB / second
9. BLAKE2S-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 574.6 MiB / second
10. BLAKE2S-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 541.9 MiB / second
11. BLAKE2S-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 540.4 MiB / second
12. HMAC-SHA256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 408.1 MiB / second
13. HMAC-SHA224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 408.1 MiB / second
14. HMAC-SHA256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 408.1 MiB / second
15. HMAC-SHA256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 389.8 MiB / second
16. HMAC-SHA224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 389.8 MiB / second
17. HMAC-SHA256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 389 MiB / second
18. HMAC-SHA3-224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 358.3 MiB / second
19. HMAC-SHA3-224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 343.6 MiB / second
20. HMAC-SHA3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 341.8 MiB / second
21. HMAC-SHA3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 327.8 MiB / second
Ryzen 5 5600G:
# kopia benchmark splitter --parallel=1
0. FIXED-2M 126 TB/s count:256 min:2097152 10th:2097152 25th:2097152 50th:2097152 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
1. FIXED-4M 122 TB/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
2. FIXED 70.5 TB/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
3. FIXED-8M 56.9 TB/s count:64 min:8388608 10th:8388608 25th:8388608 50th:8388608 75th:8388608 90th:8388608 max:8388608
4. FIXED-1M 57.4 TB/s count:512 min:1048576 10th:1048576 25th:1048576 50th:1048576 75th:1048576 90th:1048576 max:1048576
5. DYNAMIC-1M-BUZHASH 393.4 MB/s count:428 min:9467 10th:612999 25th:766808 50th:1158068 75th:1744194 90th:2097152 max:2097152
6. DYNAMIC 384.8 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
7. DYNAMIC-4M-BUZHASH 376.3 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
8. DYNAMIC-2M-BUZHASH 368.7 MB/s count:204 min:64697 10th:1210184 25th:1638276 50th:2585985 75th:3944217 90th:4194304 max:4194304
9. DYNAMIC-8M-BUZHASH 357.2 MB/s count:49 min:677680 10th:5260579 25th:6528562 50th:11102775 75th:16777216 90th:16777216 max:16777216
10. DYNAMIC-8M-RABINKARP 166.9 MB/s count:60 min:1446246 10th:4337385 25th:5293196 50th:8419217 75th:12334953 90th:16777216 max:16777216
11. DYNAMIC-4M-RABINKARP 165.8 MB/s count:110 min:535925 10th:2242307 25th:2767610 50th:4400962 75th:6813401 90th:8388608 max:8388608
12. DYNAMIC-2M-RABINKARP 163.1 MB/s count:204 min:535925 10th:1235674 25th:1675441 50th:2525341 75th:3658905 90th:4194304 max:4194304
13. DYNAMIC-1M-RABINKARP 161.3 MB/s count:391 min:213638 10th:623062 25th:813953 50th:1328673 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
# kopia benchmark hashing --parallel=1
Hash Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256 4.2 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256-128 4.2 GiB / second
2. BLAKE2B-256-128 1 GiB / second
3. BLAKE2B-256 1 GiB / second
4. BLAKE2S-128 796.4 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2S-256 796.4 MiB / second
6. HMAC-SHA256 578.3 MiB / second
7. HMAC-SHA256-128 576.2 MiB / second
8. HMAC-SHA224 575.2 MiB / second
9. HMAC-SHA3-224 472.6 MiB / second
10. HMAC-SHA3-256 447 MiB / second
# kopia benchmark crypto --parallel=1
Hash Encryption Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.7 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.7 GiB / second
2. BLAKE3-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GiB / second
3. BLAKE3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GiB / second
4. BLAKE2B-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 792.6 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2B-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 743.9 MiB / second
6. BLAKE2B-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 738.8 MiB / second
7. BLAKE2S-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 636.3 MiB / second
8. BLAKE2S-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 634.4 MiB / second
9. BLAKE2S-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 602.8 MiB / second
10. BLAKE2S-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 573.3 MiB / second
11. BLAKE2B-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 491 MiB / second
12. HMAC-SHA256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 481.5 MiB / second
13. HMAC-SHA224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 481.1 MiB / second
14. HMAC-SHA256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 481 MiB / second
15. HMAC-SHA224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 463.1 MiB / second
16. HMAC-SHA256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 462.7 MiB / second
17. HMAC-SHA256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 462.6 MiB / second
18. HMAC-SHA3-224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 404.6 MiB / second
19. HMAC-SHA3-224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 392 MiB / second
20. HMAC-SHA3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 382.8 MiB / second
21. HMAC-SHA3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 372 MiB / second
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
Hash Throughput
- BLAKE3-256 4.2 GiB / second
- BLAKE3-256-128 4.1 GiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256-128 1.1 GiB / second
- BLAKE2B-256 837.2 MiB / second
- BLAKE2S-128 766.7 MiB / second
- BLAKE2S-256 765.2 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256 498.1 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA224 496.7 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA256-128 496.6 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-224 427.3 MiB / second
- HMAC-SHA3-256 403.7 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE3-256
- FIXED-8M 313.4 TB/s count:64 min:8388608 10th:8388608 25th:8388608 50th:8388608 75th:8388608 90th:8388608 max:8388608
- FIXED-4M 223.2 TB/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
- FIXED-2M 150.5 TB/s count:256 min:2097152 10th:2097152 25th:2097152 50th:2097152 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
- FIXED 104.4 TB/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
- FIXED-1M 35.8 TB/s count:512 min:1048576 10th:1048576 25th:1048576 50th:1048576 75th:1048576 90th:1048576 max:1048576
- DYNAMIC-4M-BUZHASH 552.6 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
- DYNAMIC-1M-BUZHASH 550.8 MB/s count:428 min:9467 10th:612999 25th:766808 50th:1158068 75th:1744194 90th:2097152 max:2097152
- DYNAMIC-2M-BUZHASH 542.4 MB/s count:204 min:64697 10th:1210184 25th:1638276 50th:2585985 75th:3944217 90th:4194304 max:4194304
- DYNAMIC 538.7 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
- DYNAMIC-8M-BUZHASH 536.5 MB/s count:49 min:677680 10th:5260579 25th:6528562 50th:11102775 75th:16777216 90th:16777216 max:16777216
- DYNAMIC-8M-RABINKARP 141.7 MB/s count:60 min:1446246 10th:4337385 25th:5293196 50th:8419217 75th:12334953 90th:16777216 max:16777216
- DYNAMIC-4M-RABINKARP 138.8 MB/s count:110 min:535925 10th:2242307 25th:2767610 50th:4400962 75th:6813401 90th:8388608 max:8388608
- DYNAMIC-2M-RABINKARP 136.1 MB/s count:204 min:535925 10th:1235674 25th:1675441 50th:2525341 75th:3658905 90th:4194304 max:4194304
- DYNAMIC-1M-RABINKARP 135.3 MB/s count:391 min:213638 10th:623062 25th:813953 50th:1328673 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X @ 3.9GHz
kopia benchmark splitter
splitting 16 blocks of 32MiB each, parallelism 1
0. FIXED-8M 0 B/s count:64 min:8388608 10th:8388608 25th:8388608 50th:8388608 75th:8388608 90th:8388608 max:8388608
1. FIXED-4M 0 B/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
2. FIXED-2M 0 B/s count:256 min:2097152 10th:2097152 25th:2097152 50th:2097152 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
3. FIXED-1M 0 B/s count:512 min:1048576 10th:1048576 25th:1048576 50th:1048576 75th:1048576 90th:1048576 max:1048576
4. FIXED 0 B/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
5. DYNAMIC-4M-BUZHASH 544.1 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
6. DYNAMIC-1M-BUZHASH 531.7 MB/s count:428 min:9467 10th:612999 25th:766808 50th:1158068 75th:1744194 90th:2097152 max:2097152
7. DYNAMIC 504 MB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
8. DYNAMIC-2M-BUZHASH 502.8 MB/s count:204 min:64697 10th:1210184 25th:1638276 50th:2585985 75th:3944217 90th:4194304 max:4194304
9. DYNAMIC-8M-BUZHASH 500 MB/s count:49 min:677680 10th:5260579 25th:6528562 50th:11102775 75th:16777216 90th:16777216 max:16777216
10. DYNAMIC-2M-RABINKARP 130.3 MB/s count:204 min:535925 10th:1235674 25th:1675441 50th:2525341 75th:3658905 90th:4194304 max:4194304
11. DYNAMIC-8M-RABINKARP 129.6 MB/s count:60 min:1446246 10th:4337385 25th:5293196 50th:8419217 75th:12334953 90th:16777216 max:16777216
12. DYNAMIC-4M-RABINKARP 129.3 MB/s count:110 min:535925 10th:2242307 25th:2767610 50th:4400962 75th:6813401 90th:8388608 max:8388608
13. DYNAMIC-1M-RABINKARP 129 MB/s count:391 min:213638 10th:623062 25th:813953 50th:1328673 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
kopia benchmark crypto
Hash Encryption Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GiB / second
2. BLAKE3-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.3 GiB / second
3. BLAKE3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.3 GiB / second
4. BLAKE2B-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 751.7 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2B-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 691.9 MiB / second
6. BLAKE2B-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 689.5 MiB / second
7. BLAKE2B-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 604.1 MiB / second
8. BLAKE2S-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 583 MiB / second
9. BLAKE2S-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 581.3 MiB / second
10. BLAKE2S-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 540.4 MiB / second
11. BLAKE2S-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 539 MiB / second
12. HMAC-SHA224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 410.6 MiB / second
13. HMAC-SHA256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 410.6 MiB / second
14. HMAC-SHA256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 403.2 MiB / second
15. HMAC-SHA256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 392.1 MiB / second
16. HMAC-SHA256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 389.8 MiB / second
17. HMAC-SHA224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 383.1 MiB / second
18. HMAC-SHA3-224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 355.2 MiB / second
19. HMAC-SHA3-224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 340.1 MiB / second
20. HMAC-SHA3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 336.6 MiB / second
21. HMAC-SHA3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 329.4 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE3-256-128 --encryption=AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256
kopia benchmark hashing
Hash Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256-128 4.1 GiB / second
1. BLAKE3-256 4 GiB / second
2. BLAKE2B-256 1 GiB / second
3. BLAKE2B-256-128 1 GiB / second
4. BLAKE2S-128 763.2 MiB / second
5. BLAKE2S-256 760.3 MiB / second
6. HMAC-SHA256 496.2 MiB / second
7. HMAC-SHA256-128 493.7 MiB / second
8. HMAC-SHA224 484.2 MiB / second
9. HMAC-SHA3-224 400.7 MiB / second
10. HMAC-SHA3-256 367.6 MiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE3-256-128
kopia benchmark compression
Compression Compressed Throughput Allocs Usage
0. pgzip-best-speed 115.7 MiB 1.4 GiB/s 1506 437.4 MiB
1. s2-parallel-8 116.7 MiB 1.2 GiB/s 1147 466 MiB
2. pgzip 115.2 MiB 1.1 GiB/s 1492 414 MiB
3. s2-parallel-4 116.7 MiB 1.1 GiB/s 1035 452.9 MiB
4. s2-default 116.7 MiB 1 GiB/s 1141 479.1 MiB
5. s2-better 116 MiB 1 GiB/s 1130 444 MiB
6. deflate-best-speed 115.7 MiB 914.1 MiB/s 42 338.2 MiB
7. zstd-fastest 115.2 MiB 792.4 MiB/s 6293 359.6 MiB
8. deflate-default 115.2 MiB 654.6 MiB/s 46 330.5 MiB
9. zstd 114.5 MiB 627.3 MiB/s 3210 466.3 MiB
10. pgzip-best-compression 114.8 MiB 389.6 MiB/s 1505 413.8 MiB
11. gzip-best-speed 115.6 MiB 359.5 MiB/s 47 316.6 MiB
12. zstd-better-compression 114.1 MiB 322 MiB/s 3207 482.2 MiB
13. deflate-best-compression 114.8 MiB 69.6 MiB/s 46 311.7 MiB
14. gzip 114.8 MiB 56.8 MiB/s 47 305.2 MiB
15. gzip-best-compression 114.8 MiB 46.9 MiB/s 51 305.2 MiB
kopia benchmark encryption
Encryption Throughput
0. CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.7 GiB / second
1. AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GiB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --encryption=CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256
kopia benchmark ecc
ECC Throughput Throughput Growth
Encoding Decoding
0. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 2% 2 GiB/s 2.3 GiB/s 2% [10.2 MiB]
1. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 1% 1.4 GiB/s 1.7 GiB/s 1% [10.1 MiB]
2. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 5% 1.3 GiB/s 1.4 GiB/s 5% [10.5 MiB]
3. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 10% 825.6 MiB/s 0.9 GiB/s 10% [11 MiB]
4. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 20% 454.9 MiB/s 897.5 MiB/s 20% [12 MiB]
Fastest option for this machine is: --ecc=REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 2%
Cool - thanks to all of you. I am going for a rather new AMD EPYC 7313, 3.00GHz, 16C/32T, so I guess, I won’t have to worry about hashing/crypto performance.
There must be a bug with the splitter benchmarks that goes to many TB/s.
Fine, fixed splitting is fast, but 2-300 TB/s is fantasy numbers.
AMD Ryzen 5 7600X
kopia benchmark splitter
0. FIXED 0 B/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
1. FIXED-8M 0 B/s count:64 min:8388608 10th:8388608 25th:8388608 50th:8388608 75th:8388608 90th:8388608 max:8388608
2. FIXED-512K 0 B/s count:1024 min:524288 10th:524288 25th:524288 50th:524288 75th:524288 90th:524288 max:524288
3. FIXED-4M 0 B/s count:128 min:4194304 10th:4194304 25th:4194304 50th:4194304 75th:4194304 90th:4194304 max:4194304
4. FIXED-2M 0 B/s count:256 min:2097152 10th:2097152 25th:2097152 50th:2097152 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
5. FIXED-256K 0 B/s count:2048 min:262144 10th:262144 25th:262144 50th:262144 75th:262144 90th:262144 max:262144
6. FIXED-1M 0 B/s count:512 min:1048576 10th:1048576 25th:1048576 50th:1048576 75th:1048576 90th:1048576 max:1048576
7. FIXED-128K 0 B/s count:4096 min:131072 10th:131072 25th:131072 50th:131072 75th:131072 90th:131072 max:131072
8. DYNAMIC-4M-BUZHASH 1 GB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
9. DYNAMIC 0.9 GB/s count:107 min:9467 10th:2277562 25th:2971794 50th:4747177 75th:7603998 90th:8388608 max:8388608
10. DYNAMIC-1M-BUZHASH 0.9 GB/s count:428 min:9467 10th:612999 25th:766808 50th:1158068 75th:1744194 90th:2097152 max:2097152
11. DYNAMIC-256K-BUZHASH 0.9 GB/s count:1612 min:9467 10th:155695 25th:206410 50th:315497 75th:493851 90th:524288 max:524288
12. DYNAMIC-2M-BUZHASH 0.9 GB/s count:204 min:64697 10th:1210184 25th:1638276 50th:2585985 75th:3944217 90th:4194304 max:4194304
13. DYNAMIC-128K-BUZHASH 0.9 GB/s count:3183 min:3076 10th:80896 25th:104312 50th:157621 75th:249115 90th:262144 max:262144
14. DYNAMIC-512K-BUZHASH 896.9 MB/s count:812 min:9467 10th:313948 25th:400696 50th:619560 75th:978932 90th:1048576 max:1048576
15. DYNAMIC-8M-BUZHASH 895 MB/s count:49 min:677680 10th:5260579 25th:6528562 50th:11102775 75th:16777216 90th:16777216 max:16777216
16. DYNAMIC-8M-RABINKARP 228.9 MB/s count:60 min:1446246 10th:4337385 25th:5293196 50th:8419217 75th:12334953 90th:16777216 max:16777216
17. DYNAMIC-4M-RABINKARP 222.1 MB/s count:110 min:535925 10th:2242307 25th:2767610 50th:4400962 75th:6813401 90th:8388608 max:8388608
18. DYNAMIC-2M-RABINKARP 218.4 MB/s count:204 min:535925 10th:1235674 25th:1675441 50th:2525341 75th:3658905 90th:4194304 max:4194304
19. DYNAMIC-1M-RABINKARP 217.3 MB/s count:391 min:213638 10th:623062 25th:813953 50th:1328673 75th:2097152 90th:2097152 max:2097152
20. DYNAMIC-128K-RABINKARP 217 MB/s count:3160 min:9667 10th:80098 25th:106626 50th:162269 75th:250655 90th:262144 max:262144
21. DYNAMIC-512K-RABINKARP 215.6 MB/s count:777 min:124727 10th:322811 25th:431615 50th:643713 75th:1048576 90th:1048576 max:1048576
22. DYNAMIC-256K-RABINKARP 213.9 MB/s count:1575 min:49480 10th:159059 25th:212920 50th:316420 75th:508831 90th:524288 max:524288
kopia benchmark crypto
Hash Encryption Throughput
0. BLAKE3-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 2.6 GB / second
1. BLAKE3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 2.1 GB / second
2. BLAKE3-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 2 GB / second
3. BLAKE3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 2 GB / second
4. HMAC-SHA256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GB / second
5. HMAC-SHA256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GB / second
6. HMAC-SHA224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GB / second
7. HMAC-SHA224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GB / second
8. HMAC-SHA256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.4 GB / second
9. HMAC-SHA256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.4 GB / second
10. BLAKE2B-256-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.1 GB / second
11. BLAKE2B-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 0.9 GB / second
12. BLAKE2B-256-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 0.9 GB / second
13. BLAKE2B-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 798.3 MB / second
14. BLAKE2S-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 742.6 MB / second
15. BLAKE2S-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 737.7 MB / second
16. BLAKE2S-128 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 720 MB / second
17. BLAKE2S-128 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 701.3 MB / second
18. HMAC-SHA3-224 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 590 MB / second
19. HMAC-SHA3-224 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 589.4 MB / second
20. HMAC-SHA3-256 AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 559.4 MB / second
21. HMAC-SHA3-256 CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 541.4 MB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=BLAKE3-256-128 --encryption=AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256
kopia benchmark hashing
Hash Throughput
0. HMAC-SHA256 15 GB / second
1. BLAKE3-256-128 13.1 GB / second
2. BLAKE3-256 10 GB / second
3. HMAC-SHA224 7.9 GB / second
4. HMAC-SHA256-128 5.1 GB / second
5. BLAKE2B-256-128 5 GB / second
6. BLAKE2B-256 4 GB / second
7. BLAKE2S-256 3.3 GB / second
8. BLAKE2S-128 2.6 GB / second
9. HMAC-SHA3-256 2.2 GB / second
10. HMAC-SHA3-224 2 GB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --block-hash=HMAC-SHA256
kopia benchmark encryption
Encryption Throughput
0. AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256 1.9 GB / second
1. CHACHA20-POLY1305-HMAC-SHA256 1.5 GB / second
Fastest option for this machine is: --encryption=AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256
kopia benchmark ecc
ECC Throughput Throughput Growth
Encoding Decoding
0. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 2% 4.1 GB/s 5.6 GB/s 2% [10.7 MB]
1. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 10% 1.8 GB/s 1.7 GB/s 10% [11.5 MB]
2. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 5% 1.4 GB/s 2.5 GB/s 5% [11 MB]
3. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 1% 1.8 GB/s 1.2 GB/s 1% [10.6 MB]
4. REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 20% 1.1 GB/s 1.6 GB/s 20% [12.6 MB]
Fastest option for this machine is: --ecc=REED-SOLOMON-CRC32 - 2%