Has anyone tried using a GCP bucket (or S3) with Object lifecycle management? i’m wondering if this would work to reduce cost of storage but I don’t know enough about kopia maintenance or how the differential part of snapshots works in terms of operations needed and downloads of the data blobs to even get a rough estimate
I’m basically thinking something like starting blobs in Standard storage class and then have a bucket rule to move blobs to Coldline storage after 1 month. This would allow me to access new blobs early, maybe even to delete files without minimum storage duration but then pay less once a blob gets older. This would work in theory if maintenance and differential backups work purely on metadata and not on the actual data blobs right?
Public clouds have crazy pricing formulas so it’s hard to estimate without committing. That’s why I rather ask if someone has tried to do this. I imagine S3 must have something similar. Any advice?