I’m trying to create a snapshot of my Linux home directory, but when doing so I’m getting the following errors as well as other errors:
| 0 hashing, 0 hashed (0 B), 1 cached (79 B), 0 uploaded (0 B), 0 errors 0.0%19:46:19.156 [kopia/localfs] unable to create directory entry “.SR_BEACON_LINUXRead”: unsupported filesystem entry: &{.SR_BEACON_LINUXRead 0 33554870 {652912100 63720091870 0x1b21580} {64770 664285 1 4534 1000 1000 0 0 0 4096 0 {1584495070 652912100} {1584495070 652912100} {1598400280 863783408} [0 0 0]}}
19:46:19.156 [kopia/localfs] unable to create directory entry “.ipc_pipe.43560”: unsupported filesystem entry: &{.ipc_pipe.43560 0 33554816 {136400008 63734848346 0x1b21580} {64770 664535 1 4480 1000 1000 0 0 0 4096 0 {1599251546 136400008} {1599251546 136400008} {1599251546 136400008} [0 0 0]}}
19:46:19.156 [kopia/localfs] unable to create directory entry “.AuthManagerSSOnPipe.request”: unsupported filesystem entry: &{.AuthManagerSSOnPipe.request 0 33554816 {396792214 63720000532 0x1b21580} {64770 664288 1 4480 1000 1000 0 0 0 4096 0 {1584403732 396792214} {1584403732 396792214} {1584403732 396792214} [0 0 0]}}
Any idea what would be causing these errors?