Errors when creating snapshot of home dir

I’m trying to create a snapshot of my Linux home directory, but when doing so I’m getting the following errors as well as other errors:

| 0 hashing, 0 hashed (0 B), 1 cached (79 B), 0 uploaded (0 B), 0 errors 0.0%19:46:19.156 [kopia/localfs] unable to create directory entry “.SR_BEACON_LINUXRead”: unsupported filesystem entry: &{.SR_BEACON_LINUXRead 0 33554870 {652912100 63720091870 0x1b21580} {64770 664285 1 4534 1000 1000 0 0 0 4096 0 {1584495070 652912100} {1584495070 652912100} {1598400280 863783408} [0 0 0]}}
19:46:19.156 [kopia/localfs] unable to create directory entry “.ipc_pipe.43560”: unsupported filesystem entry: &{.ipc_pipe.43560 0 33554816 {136400008 63734848346 0x1b21580} {64770 664535 1 4480 1000 1000 0 0 0 4096 0 {1599251546 136400008} {1599251546 136400008} {1599251546 136400008} [0 0 0]}}
19:46:19.156 [kopia/localfs] unable to create directory entry “.AuthManagerSSOnPipe.request”: unsupported filesystem entry: &{.AuthManagerSSOnPipe.request 0 33554816 {396792214 63720000532 0x1b21580} {64770 664288 1 4480 1000 1000 0 0 0 4096 0 {1584403732 396792214} {1584403732 396792214} {1584403732 396792214} [0 0 0]}}

Any idea what would be causing these errors?

Yes. Named pipes are not supported yet and will be skipped. Those are warnings not errors so everything else should be backed up.

Great. Glad that it’s nothing to worry about.