Hi, a new user here. I’ve been using Kopia for a while and like it very much. Thank you to everyone involved.
The following may be something I don’t understand correctly, but I’ll ask anyway. I’m using Kopia 0.10.7 on Windows 10.
It seems to me that the KOPIA_CONFIG_PATH environment variable has no effect with KopiaUI. I tried to set these environment variables:
KOPIA_CONFIG_PATH [path]\xyzzy.config
While using Kopia command line all those variables were effective: the repository was connected using xyzzy.config and logs and cache were written where I pointed them to in the variables.
Then I started KopiaUI, and it connected nowhere. It only presented me with the “Select Storage Type” window, so I manually filled up the storage configuration (an SFTP server in this case) and connected there. After checking out what effect the environment variables may have had, I figured out that KOPIA_LOG_DIR and KOPIA_CACHE_DIRECTORY were still working as expected.
Unfortunately KOPIA_CONFIG_PATH was not: the config file was written into the common user %APPDATA% directory as repository.config (or repository-<unix_timestamp>.config, if one existed already). In no way could I make it write or use the config file in the KOPIA_CONFIG_PATH location.
In practise this means that with KopiaUI you are restricted to use config files in the user %APPDATA% directory only. You cannot point it to another location using --config-file
as with the command line utility, and now it seems KOPIA_CONFIG_PATH has no effect either.
Maybe this is how it’s supposed to work, but I’m still a little confused.