Kopia-ui 0.18.2 on Mx Linux (Debian based)

Its not working so here’s the trace. At 11:06 I selected <starting up>. All .config directories had been removed before this sequence which results in the “Kopia is Loading…” box.

~ > kopia-ui  --trace-warnings
Checking for beta autoupdate feature for deb/rpm distributions
Found package-type: deb
11:04:54.850 › failed to load content

(kopia-ui:11047): Gtk-WARNING **: 11:04:54.857: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:68:35: The style property GtkButton:child-displacement-x is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

(kopia-ui:11047): Gtk-WARNING **: 11:04:54.857: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:69:35: The style property GtkButton:child-displacement-y is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

(kopia-ui:11047): Gtk-WARNING **: 11:04:54.857: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:71:36: The style property GtkCheckMenuItem:indicator-size is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version

(kopia-ui:11047): Gtk-WARNING **: 11:04:54.857: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:76:30: The style property GtkExpander:expander-size is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version
11:04:55.353 › failed to load content
11:04:55.857 › failed to load content
11:07:11.556 › failed to load content
(node:11047) electron: Failed to load URL: with error: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
11:07:25.357 › failed to load content
(node:11047) electron: Failed to load URL: with error: ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED
11:07:42.222 › failed to load content
(node:11047) electron: Failed to load URL: with error: ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED


I had similar issues. In your case it’s probably because " All .config directories had been removed…". The reason is found in the FAQ, under KopiaUI and Multiple Repositories:

When KopiaUI starts up, it will look for configuration files in Kopia’s configuration directory (%APPDATA%\kopia on Windows; $HOME/.config/kopia on linux; $HOME/Library/Application Support/kopia on macOS). KopiaUI will look for all files ending in *.config and use these configurations to determine the set of repositories to connect to.

KopiaUI will always look for a repository.config file, even if that file does not exist, in which case it will try to start up a connection which will never succeed.

Be aware that if you create multiple config files for testing purposes, eg, repository.orig.config, repository.test1.config, repository.test2.config, etc., KopiaUI will try to connect to ALL of them at startup, even if they are not intended to be valid. Thus, if you don’t want KopiaUI to use a config file, make sure it ends in something other than .config.

Because you deleted the default config file you ran into the second paragraph, which I believe should be written to end “…in which case Kopia will hang.”, because that correctly describes the user experience. When last I checked, if repository.config does not exist, Kopia hangs, while if it does exist — but cannot be connected to — then Kopia does not hang, but tries to connect to it and to any other repositories defined by .config files.

Since I use my laptop in more that one environment I have to work with more than one .config file. Since Kopia is hard-coded to look for repository.config and hangs if it doesn’t, I created a dummy one which points to directory $HOME/DONOTBACKUP/DUMMY-REPOSITORY with description “DUMMY Repository”.

Then I had to write scripts to rename the various config files to reflect the situation. Thus I now have, say, home.config and work.config, with only one actually ending in .config and the other ending in .config.INACTIVE, so that Kopia won’t continue spamming the network (and log files) because of a server which doesn’t exist in the current environment.

I believe that if you implement something like the above it will work, bar the Gtk issues, which I expect are OK to ignore as long as the interface actually works.
