Kopia UI + rclone restore failing. Failed to get blob. Blob not found

I have KopiaUI and rclone backing up data to OneDrive. After taking initial snapshots of my data I tested restore and it was working. A couple of months later I’ve had and incident and I need to restore but I’m getting heaps of the following errors.

Error: error restoring: restore error: copy file: error creating file: unable to open snapshot file for C:\restores\file.pdf: unable to open object: 4675ceb155606acf03e4031c7cda49ad: unexpected content error: error getting cached content from blob “p64b61b1154dd660a266a76a54ae0bb15-seb699d41c3a48c2712e”: failed to get blob with ID p64b61b1154dd660a266a76a54ae0bb15-seb699d41c3a48c2712e: BLOB not found.

kopia + rclone is experimental and from my testing it is not ready for production yet. 100% times when trying (also with Onedrive) I ended up with corrupted repository. In addition restore speed was so slow that it made all solution not really usable.

For Onedrive I switched to restic/rustic and it works perfectly. It also uses rclone but it is much better integrated these software.

I noticed the doco mentioning that rclone support was experimental, but it was followed by " Kopia has been tested to work with Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive through Rclone" so I assumed it was ok. This should be clarified and highlighed if it’s experimental.

I should add, I’ve been using it with local repos and its been amazing!

I have no idea what kopia authors opinion on kopia/rclone combo is and how experimental they consider it.

From my experience it works but is not stable at all. Partial blame also goes to Onedrive which is very temperamental with random throttling and failures. It is not easy to make something bigger to work with this cloud provider.

When you check source code you will see that kopia is simply using generic rclone serve webdav which is very easy way to make something working.

It however does not show any level of close integration I can see in restic/rustic (where custom rclone API was developed).

I use kopia for other backends - for local and S3 it works very well.