Kopia v0.7.0-rc2 '--version' flag stopping output issue

Okay I think I found an issue that may have been related to by last errors. When the --version flag is included in any command the output is affected.
e.g. WITHOUT --version flag:

[user@me]: /0_kopia>$ sudo kopia snapshot estimate --upload-speed 110 "/home/user01/Documents/"
Scanning .
Scanning AnyDesk
Scanning AnyDesk/chat
Scanning Speedtest
Scanning clamscan_reports
Scanning i3 Reference Card_files
Scanning pics
Snapshot includes 52 files, total size 98.8 MB
  with size over 1 MB :       9 files, total size 91 MB
  with size over 1 KB :      35 files, total size 7.8 MB
  with size over 0 B  :       8 files, total size 1.9 KB

Snapshot excludes 0 directories and 0 files with total size 0 B

Estimated upload time: 7s at 110 Mbit/s

Same e.g. with --version flag now included where it seems to truncate any log/console output from being sent to file or even displayed, other than just v0-unofficial build: unknown :

[user@me]: /0_kopia>$ sudo kopia snapshot estimate --version --upload-speed 110 "/home/user01/Documents/"
v0-unofficial build: unknown

As a side note, I build my version from source, so for some reason I get v0-unofficial build: unknown even when I run kopia --version by itself.

–version is a special flag that prints current version and exits. I don’t think it was ever any different. What was your expectation? Why would you want to add --version to the estimate command?

I don’t particularly. The documentation says I can. --version is listed as an allowed flag.
So may be it will help when the manpages/–help docs are cleared up in due course. As a user I take this information as verbatim.

Yeah, --version is actually special, it comes from the flag-handling framework and not kopia itself.