Move Snapshot to a different location

I tried to use snapshot move-history to move my snapshot to a different location but the code below returns nothing. would appreciate any help!

kopia snapshot move-history SSS@desktop-4wddqa0:"D:/Gamess" SSS@desktop-4wddqa0:"E:/Games" --dry-run

Read docs to understand what move-history does.

What you want is repository sync-to filesystem.

more info here:

But key question is why you make your life so complicated? To copy/move repository from one local location to another it is enough to use your OS copy/move functionality… Kopia repository is just bunch of files.

I’m not trying to move my whole repository actually, just a single snapshot within it. I have changed the location of my games folder and I need kopia to use the new location for making snapshot. If I simply add a new snapshot then there would be 2 snapshots in my repository one deprecated and the other new snapshot with no history backup. Having 2 snapshots would be storage inefficient.

many ways to do it:

  1. copy all repo and remove snapshots you do not want
  2. use repository sync-to
  3. use snapshot migrate

For sure not move-history

Could you explain more please? I have only one repository, and I already copy and paste D:/Games to E:/Games manually. Which command to use to allow one specific snapshot to take new data from “E:/Games” path in the future?

Simply start using this new repo? If you copied everything it contains old repo data and history already.

Maybe I didn’t express myself clearly, D:/Games is the folder I use to store my games, and I relocated all my games to the new folder E:/Games. My only Kopia repository is stored in F:/Kopia, inside this repository I have created a snapshot that takes data from D:/Games, now what I need is for that snapshot to make copy of my files from E:/Games instead of D:/Games in the future. Is there any way I can do that? Thank you for your patience!

OK I think I get it now.

Make new snapshot of E:/Games and use it (it will use data from other snapshot anyway - thx to repo wide deduplication). Change policy of D:/Games snapshot to manual (so no more automatic snapshots are taken).

So that would result in 2 snapshots in my repository if I understand you correctly? Is there any way I can merge the old snapshot with the new snapshot (as they are from exactly a same source Games) ?

No need to merge them. New snapshot will inherit old data anyway.

alright, thank you, I will try that

First backup will take longer as kopia will have to scan all files to make sure they are already in your repo. But repo size won’t increase much. Only some metadata.

Oh that’s good to know!