Please help me with WebDAV

I’m on Windows 11 and I’m trying to use Kopia for backup to Icedrive using WebDAV. I’m not very technically minded, but I can follow instructions if necessary.

The problem that I face is that I cannot complete the creation of a repository on Icedrive. Icedrive states that the WebDAV address is However, when I use it in Kopia I get an error. I changed it by adding a /C at the end after creating a folder C on Icedrive and it does proceed to create a .shards directory inside C. However, in the Storage Configuration page of Kopia I get “Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: unable to complete GetBlob(kopia.repository,0,-1) despite 10 retries: error determining sharded path: error getting sharding parameters for storage: ReadStream .shards: 429” and I cannot proceed to the next step.

When I exit Kopia and redo the Connect to WebDAV server step the error is “Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: unable to complete GetBlob(kopia.repository,0,-1) despite 10 retries: error determining sharded path: error getting sharding parameters for storage: ReadStream .shards: Authorize 401”.

I would appreciate any help with this matter.

EDIT: I’m optimistic that an answer may be found as I used other software to connect to Icedrive with WebDAV (Cyberduck and Duplicati) and the connection was successful. Therefore, I must be doing something wrong with Kopia.

EDIT 2: Some progress. I can now get to the next part, “Create New Repository”. However, after I press on “Create Repository” I get the following message: "Connect Error: INTERNAL: internal server error: connect error: unable to write blobcfg blob: PutBlob() failed for “kopia.blobcfg”: unable to complete PutBlob(kopia.blobcfg) despite 10 retries: Write kopia.blobcfg.f-6803928845973075349: 409
". So, still no success.

Just encountered it though with a different cloud provider. In my case, I found the culprit to be the failed login attempt limit set by the cloud provider. The one I use only has 5 before it stops any attempts for half an hour, but Kopia’s limit is 10. The result is even with a single error, Kopia uses up all the attempts.

Try checking Icedrive’s login attempt limit, maybe it takes hours or days before you can try again.

Thank you for the reply. What you wrote, if true about Icedrive, sounds terrible and makes the idea of using WebDAV with it unreliable.

Just for follow up I should mention that all my efforts were in vain. I don’t necessarily blame Kopia for this. I tried rclone with WebDAV, but with no success. I get these 429 errors and there is no apparent way to avoid them.

I gave up Kopia and I’m now experimenting with Duplicati which connects to Icedrive with no problem. I may come back and test it in the future if either Kopia or Icedrive or both have any updates.

Since Kopia didn’t but Duplicati worked, maybe it has something to do with the location of the configuration files, as Kopia stores it inside the destination folder (or inside Icedrive), while Duplicati stores it in the source device (or outside Icedrive). Perhaps Icedrive blocked Kopia from creating configuration files there.

How about creating a repository somewhere else, try to upload it manually to Icedrive, then try to connect to that repository using Kopia? If Icedrive blocked even the manual upload, it might be due to a list of banned files or file extensions in Icedrive.

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