I’m currently testing Kopia for my home server. I’m currently testing emergency reinstallation of this server (in case of an hdd crash or any hardware failure).
My test is done through 3 VM :
- 1 VM to expose a shared drive through samba => it is my destination repository where I want to store my backup. But it will be replaced by an usb hdd in the real case.
- 1 VM (let’s say server A) which is my first machine : I install Kopia (and other stuff), I create my repository backuping /mnt/data to /mnt/shared_backup (shared_backup is my first VM place where I store my backups).
- 1 VM (let’s say server B) which would be my fresh new install from scratch after the first machine died.
So, after setuping server A, I add some files in my data folder to simulate storing some sensitive personal data.
Then I run a backup through Kopia UI
I can see backup files from kopia wrote to my shared backup directory
Everything works fine.
If i try to delete some local files and then use Kopia’s restore feature, it works well.
Now, I shutdown server A
I install server B with exactly the same script and configuration (I’m using docker-compose).
Then I go to Kopia UI, setup a local repository using same password than server A, pointing to /mnt/shared_backup (the samba share is up and files are visible from server B).
When this setup is done, I’m redirected to snapshots list and here is the problem : there are no snapshot to restore here.
I don’t know which step I have missed.
Do you have any clue please ?