Kopia Disaster Recovery Instructions?

The worst case scenario is Kopia is reliably kept all backups on the repository of your choice then one day the server machine is toast. You have to insert a new server and install Kopia new.

What are the logical steps from there forward to be in a position to restore your data?

Is the only piece of historical data we need the encryption --password ?

If anyone has been there and can document a 1,2,3 I’m sure this will be of value to the community as a whole as well as myself.

What sayeth the group?


You need the following things:

  • Backup
  • Kopia GUI or CLI
  • Password

The steps to restore:

  • Install KopiaGUI or CLI on new machine.
  • Access your backup (eg with KopiaGUI) and restore your desired snapshots or only certain files of it (you can also mount a snapshot for easier search or quick access to specific files).

Thank you for the response.

So let’s say I have completely reinstalled Kopia on a brand new server or client machine.

The backup drive that holds the repositories I wish to restore is attached to the new machine.

At that point in the case of the GUI I would go to the Repository tab and simply click ‘Connect’ and point it to the original repository location ?

At that point it would load all repository data snapshots and they should be able to be restored from as normal?

Yes you simply click connect and enter your password.
Connecting to a repository will load all the settings (snapshot locations, policies), this means new backups and retention might immediately start.
For this reason it’s recommended to connect with read-only mode (under “show advanced options” in the connecting window).

[I don’t know if any changes to “username” and “hostname” are needed.]

From this point you can just browse your snapshots, restore them directly or mount them to your local filesystem.

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