Set up Kopia on SFTP Backend using as a provider

I tried to set up Kopia using SFTP but I wasn’t able to. I got the error below:

WARN unable to write diagnostics blob: unable to complete PutBlob(_log_20240929112901_1ff3_1727605741_1727605753_1_87bb58ec4fa77aea11bc866c6add7128) despite 10 retries: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory ./backups/kopia/test: top-level directory not found
ERROR error populating repository: error flushing writer: error flushing manifests: unable to write content: unable to create pending pack: unable to get session ID: unable to write session marker: unable to write session marker: s8c587722df979bb11cd5dbd635ffe711-s0ca56713703d729612d: unable to complete PutBlob(s8c587722df979bb11cd5dbd635ffe711-s0ca56713703d729612d) despite 10 retries: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory ./backups/kopia/test: top-level directory not found

I did try creating the folder path on my SFTP Provider manually before setting the path in Kopia but that hasn’t worked

Any ideas on what I should do?

Maybe start with posting details what exactly you are doing? Nobody can see your screen.