Snapshotting my data folder is failing.
I don’t understand if my external SSD is broken or something is broken with my data folder.
Here are the last lines of the log:
14:51:59.364 async write error: unable to write content chunk 6 of FILE:3_41d1e49f-36d8-441d-b886-4f939d534641.xlsx: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found
14:51:59.367 async write error: unable to write content chunk 7 of FILE:3_41d1e49f-36d8-441d-b886-4f939d534641.xlsx: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found
14:51:59.381 async write error: unable to write content chunk 8 of FILE:3_41d1e49f-36d8-441d-b886-4f939d534641.xlsx: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found
14:51:59.385 async write error: unable to write content chunk 9 of FILE:3_41d1e49f-36d8-441d-b886-4f939d534641.xlsx: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found
14:51:59.386 async write error: unable to write content chunk 10 of FILE:3_41d1e49f-36d8-441d-b886-4f939d534641.xlsx: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found
14:51:59.386 snapshotted file {"path":"datasets/2023_DealRoom/3_41d1e49f-36d8-441d-b886-4f939d534641.xlsx","error":"unable to get result: unable to write content chunk 10 of FILE:3_41d1e49f-36d8-441d-b886-4f939d534641.xlsx: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found"}
14:51:59.386 snapshotted directory {"path":"datasets/2023_DealRoom","error":"error writing dir manifest: 2023_DealRoom: unable to write directory: unable to write content chunk 0 of DIR:datasets/2023_DealRoom: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found","dur":"303.276522ms"}
14:51:59.386 snapshotted directory {"path":"datasets","error":"unable to process directory \"2023_DealRoom\": error writing dir manifest: 2023_DealRoom: unable to write directory: unable to write content chunk 0 of DIR:datasets/2023_DealRoom: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found","dur":"303.418183ms"}
14:51:59.386 snapshotted directory {"path":".","error":"unable to process directory \"corsi\": unable to process directory \"Polimi-MSc\": unable to process directory \"ANN_Polimi\": unable to process directory \"Francesco Lattari\": unable to process directory \"AN2DL_Lab1_2019_KerasIntroduction\": unable to process directory \"Lesson1\": error writing dir manifest: Lesson1: unable to write directory: unable to write content chunk 0 of DIR:corsi/Polimi-MSc/ANN_Polimi/Francesco Lattari/AN2DL_Lab1_2019_KerasIntroduction/Lesson1: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found: error writing previously failed pack: error writing pack: can't save pack data blob p45c862e6911f029550f806e4d9f1fe1c-s477aa3f38ca03dc0131: error writing pack file: cannot create temporary file: cannot create directory: can't re-create top-level directory /run/media/raffaele/BACKUP: top-level directory not found","dur":"303.77799ms"}
14:51:59.386 Estimation has been interrupted