I have scheduled the following two snapshots which both share the same repository and encryption password:
Computer1[Windows 10]/User1 (Maintenance Owner) - Once a day at 11:00
Computer2[Windows 11]/User2 - Once a day at 10:30
Both snapshots are executed at their scheduled times as long as the computer is awake. All is good!
When Computer1 is sleeping at its scheduled snapshot time, its snapshot is delayed until the computer wakes up. All is good!
But when Computer2 is sleeping at its scheduled snapshot time, its snapshot attempts to execute when the computer wakes up but “Failed after 0.0s” and throws the following error…
Error: unable to create policy getter: unable to get policies: unable to get parent policies: unable to find manifest for source USER2@HOST:C:\Users\USER2\Documents: unable to load manifest contents: error refreshing indexes: mutable parameters: unable to read format blob: error getting kopia.repository blob: BLOB not found.
If I manually initiate this snapshot after this failure it works fine.
What could be causing this behavior?