Hi all, I have a Windows 11 KopiaUI installation on a notebook that uses a shared SMB folder on my NAS via WLAN. Everything works as expected but if I have pending snapshots after the notebook starts from hibernate those snapshots fail with Error: error flushing writer: error flushing manifests: unable to write content: unable to create pending pack: unable to get session ID:...
I assume the network stack or SMB connection is not yet fully up. I tried using a “before” script to wait until SMB is up but it does not solve this problem.
The script consists of a .bat and a .ps1 file and look like this:
.bat file
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -File "c:\users\rober\programme\kopia\wait_for_smb_ready.ps1"
.ps1 file:
for ($var = 1; $var -le 120 -and -not (Test-Path \\\kopia\gram-pro-16); $var++)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
I tested it and it works but its obviously not solving my problem.
Can I configure Kopia to wait for a while before starting the pending snapshots or is there any other solution?
Thx Robert