Time delay between folder action and initial snapshot

Hey guys,

I trust you all well.

I am using the folder action to mount a snapshot. For some reason Kopia runs for snapshot too quickly, which time to time causes disconnections. Is there any setting to allow more time for the mounter to connect and cache more comfortably? I be happy to add the settings manually if no setting in place already.

May thanks for great software.!


If you on windows, create a simple script:

@echo off

ping -n 15 >nul

or if you on linux/bsd


sleep 15

and add it as action before/after snapshots. (adjust waiting time (change 15 sec to something else) as you needed)

O/T I did not realize Windows does not have sleep command. This ping trick is awesome.

Many thanks for this. I am sure it will do it. Brilliant!

Cheers… Joel