Two repositories both aimed at same drive/directory - what to do?

I set up Kopia a few months ago. I set up a couple of repositories and then also a couple of instances that connect to repositories to save various snapshots.

In the meanwhile I have added a new drive, shuffled around storage locations a little (exchanging the primary storage and backup drive, for example), and now I am in a situation that I don’t quite understand, don’t quite understand how I got into it or why, and don’t know how to deal with!

The problem is that I seem to have two distinct repositories, but they are both located on the same computer, same drive, and same directory. And then, for example, my main computer has two sets of snapshots both saving essentially the same thing, but one to the first repository and one to the second repository.

Yet, both of those repositories are in the same location - same drive, same directory.

See the repository.config files below.

My question is: What should I do now? Can I just stop using one of the repositories? Can I delete it somehow while leaving the other repository in place? Should I just blow up this repository/setup and start fresh? (I have a secondary backup of the current repository so I could just save that until the new backup is complete.)

Let me know what you think.

More details

I set up the repositories with KopiaGUI on windows. Then the snapshots (2 sets) are connected from KopiaGUI on windows (same machine) and a Ubuntu VM machine on the same network (Kopia set up there under Docker).

All the snapshots look just fine - for example if I view the files in them or download a file here or there, all looks just fine in either snapshot/either repository.

So I believe all is working just fine, except that it is taking double the time to do what amounts to just creating duplicate snapshots in the same (kind of?!) repository.

I’m not sure why it came out that way. In the beginning I may have had the idea to create two different repositories on two different drives, and somehow in the drive shuffling they both ended up in the same location accidentally.

repository.config files

The first repository is repository.config:

  "storage": {
    "type": "filesystem",
    "config": {
      "path": "X:\\Storage-Backups\\kopia",
      "dirShards": null
  "caching": {
    "cacheDirectory": "..\\..\\Local\\kopia\\722ecbe578410a4d",
    "maxCacheSize": 5242880000,
    "maxMetadataCacheSize": 5242880000,
    "maxListCacheDuration": 30
  "hostname": "server4",
  "username": "server4",
  "description": "Storage Backup 2024/01/13",
  "enableActions": true,
  "formatBlobCacheDuration": 900000000000

The second file is repository-1705278737430.config:

  "storage": {
    "type": "filesystem",
    "config": {
      "path": "X:\\My-Storage-Backups\\kopia",
      "dirShards": null
  "caching": {
    "cacheDirectory": "..\\..\\Local\\kopia\\830f3d4a2011c4b1",
    "maxCacheSize": 5242880000,
    "maxMetadataCacheSize": 5242880000,
    "maxListCacheDuration": 30
  "hostname": "server4",
  "username": "server4",
  "description": "Data Stores Backup",
  "enableActions": false,
  "formatBlobCacheDuration": 900000000000