The repository I use is rclone managed Onedrive.
kopia repository status
Config file: /root/.config/kopia/repository.config
Description: Repository in RClone OneDrive1TB:/Backups
Hostname: nas
Username: root
Read-only: false
Format blob cache: 15m0s
Storage type: rclone
Storage capacity: unbounded
Storage config: {
"remotePath": "OneDrive1TB:/Backups",
"atomicWrites": true,
"dirShards": null
Unique ID: my-unique-id
Hash: BLAKE2B-256-128
Encryption: AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256
Format version: 2
Content compression: true
Password changes: true
Max pack length: 20 MiB
Index Format: v2
Epoch Manager: enabled
Current Epoch: 61
Epoch refresh frequency: 20m0s
Epoch advance on: 20 blobs or 10 MiB, minimum 24h0m0s
Epoch cleanup margin: 4h0m0s
Epoch checkpoint every: 7 epochs
What exactly is the meaning of this:
Content compression: true
Iām just curious because I have enabled / disabled compression for specific snapshots and just wanted to make sure I am not telling kopia to compress specific snapshot targets and then have rclone compress the whole repository.
kopia policy show --global
shows Compression disabled.
kopia policy show /sixer/Documents/
Compressor: pgzip (defined for this target)
Compress files regardless of extensions.
Compress files of all sizes.
which is exactly the desired behaviour I am just trying to understand the output of kopia repository status
above where it says Content compression: true