Where config policies in a Kopia Repository Server setup?

Hi guys!

I hope that I can explain well my question.

In a Kopia Repository Server deployment, where I have to configure the policies?

I want to make a compressed snapshot from one pc with Kopia to a server with Kopia Repository Server. I tried with some config but none of them works, so I’m not doing something correctly.

Thanks in advance!

If you have setup a Kopia server, you can always connect to it’s web UI and use it, just as you’d use KopiaUI on a local machine. Note, that the user management is somewhat different from the standard KopiaUP, since… well… it can have users.

Once you’ve setup the repo on the Kopia server correctly, you can use the WebUI to manage your policies. You can of course also use the CLI to manage the policies on your Kopia Server repo, you’ll just have to run the commands on the server itself, while being connected to the repo using the CLI version of Kopia.

Hi budy, thanks for your help.

I config the Compression Algorithm in the global policy of Kopia Repository Server, but it is not having effect. The backup size is the same that the original files.

This is how I have configured it. There is not others policies configured, only the global.


I think that I missed some step, but I cant find the answer.

Did you edit the policy before you created your first snapshot? If not, you will have to remove the snapshot and create a new one. Compression policies are not applied post action, meaning Kopia won’t compress your files if they are already in the repo - only new data will be compressed.

Other reasons for not compressig data would be:

  • already compresses data
  • encrypted data