I have a policy that snapshots a directory daily at 4am. Every day, it runs on schedule, takes around 2 hours, then reports that it finished. However, at that point, the snapshot size shows “0 B”, where in reality it’s around 2.2 TB.
Looking at the list of snapshots for that policy, I see that it then retries every 45 mins for an additional 2-3 attempts, then stops retrying.
If I click on “Snapshot Now” in the UI, it runs for 2-4 seconds and completes successfully. Then the snapshot size shows 2.2 TB as I would expect, and the list of snapshots then shows just my two daily snapshots. The “incomplete” entries disappear.
Looking in the logs for the snapshot tasks (“Tasks” tab in UI, drill into relevant row), I don’t see any errors or indications of a problem. I also, curiously, don’t see any tasks for the “retries” (the ones that happen every 45 mins after the initial snapshot attempt, which show up as incomplete).
I have no idea what support information may be helpful, so below are various configs and images I think may be useful. Please let me know what else to share!
List of snapshots showing incomplete retries
Incomplete snapshot showing 0 B size
Policy definition
"retention": {
"keepHourly": 0,
"keepDaily": 2,
"keepWeekly": 0,
"keepMonthly": 0,
"keepAnnual": 0
"files": {
"ignore": [
"errorHandling": {
"ignoreFileErrors": true,
"ignoreDirectoryErrors": false,
"ignoreUnknownTypes": true
"scheduling": {
"timeOfDay": [
"hour": 8,
"min": 30
"compression": {
"compressorName": "zstd",
"neverCompress": [
"minSize": 10240
"actions": {},
"logging": {
"directories": {},
"entries": {
"snapshotted": 5,
"ignored": 5
"upload": {},
"noParent": true
Repository config
"storage": {
"type": "b2",
"config": {
"bucket": "xxx",
"keyID": "xxx",
"key": "xxx"
"caching": {
"cacheDirectory": "../../.cache/kopia/d129c661fba5f559",
"maxCacheSize": 5242880000,
"maxMetadataCacheSize": 5242880000,
"maxListCacheDuration": 30
"hostname": "kopia",
"username": "xxx",
"description": "Repository in B2: xxx",
"enableActions": false,
"formatBlobCacheDuration": 900000000000
Repository status
kopia repository status
Config file: /xxx/.config/kopia/repository.config
Description: Repository in B2: xxx
Hostname: kopia
Username: xxx
Read-only: false
Format blob cache: 15m0s
Storage type: b2
Storage capacity: unbounded
Storage config: {
"bucket": "xxx",
"keyID": "xxx",
"key": "*******************************"
Unique ID: xxx
Hash: BLAKE3-256
Encryption: AES256-GCM-HMAC-SHA256
Format version: 3
Content compression: true
Password changes: true
Max pack length: 21 MB
Index Format: v2
Epoch Manager: enabled
Current Epoch: 30
Epoch refresh frequency: 20m0s
Epoch advance on: 20 blobs or 10.5 MB, minimum 24h0m0s
Epoch cleanup margin: 4h0m0s
Epoch checkpoint every: 7 epochs