Fuse-T support?

Currently, for macOS, Kopia requires macFUSE to mount a snapshot as a file system.

macFUSE has some issues, one of which is the use of a kernel extension — a practice discouraged by Apple. This fact led Cryptomator to support and recommend the more modern FUSE-T instead of macFUSE. Here is a discussion with details:

I’m curious if Kopia developers are considering supporting FUSE-T?

It seems we might not need it after all — at least not for users with an rclone repository.

Kopia was the last application on my machine that relied on macFUSE. So, I was interested to see if I could get it working with fuse-t and remove macFUSE entirely.

As it turns out, rclone works quite well with fuse-t. Instead of mounting a repository with Kopia and macFUSE, users can mount it using rclone and then connect to it with Kopia as if it were a new repository.

This approach should improve performance. Not only because fuse-t performs better but also because it aligns with the recommended method for rclone repos:

If fuse-t support is ever implemented in Kopia, it would benefit more users with non-rclone backend. And users with rclone repositories should use the method described above without waiting for a fuse-t implementation.

Please let me know if I’ve misunderstood anything or gotten something wrong.

Using rclone you can mount raw repository but not its content… I think you misunderstood what kopia mount is for.

For the latter no FUSE is needed. You can use webdav alternative:

kopia mount snapshot_ID /path/to/mountpoint --webdav

Thank you!

I noticed this option earlier but somehow assumed WebDAV would be outperformed by almost any alternative. Perhaps that’s not true, and I should test it.

And you were right — I misunderstood how mounting works when it comes to mounting a snapshot instead of a repository. Thanks for pointing that out to me!