I have a few user@host:/path entries I see with ‘kopia snap list -all’ that don’t have any snapshots. They may have been partial snapshots that never completed.
I do not need that user@host:/path in my repository, so how can I delete those from my repository?
Invoke kopia snapshot list --all --incomplete or kopia snapshot list -ai to see if here are any incomplete snapshots.
Remember to delete the corresponding snapshot policy to remove it from kopiaUI (kopia policy list then kopia policy delete <ID>, or click Delete snapshot source in kopiaUI)
So is the implication if there are incomplete snapshots that is why that otherwise empty user@host/path entry exists? And, if I delete those incomplete snapshots it will remove that user@host/path I no longer need in my repository?
The answer is slightly different on kopiaUI. While incomplete snapshots are shown in kopiaUI, it is possible to see an empty entry because of a corresponding policy exist, which is created when using kopiaUI to create snapshot. Click Delete snapshot source will delete the policy and the empty entry.