How to confirm that Amazon AWS S3 configuration is correct on KopiaUI?

I recently setup KopiaUI to backup a folder on my Mac. I want to ensure that I have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly version history all backed up to Amazon AWS S3.

Any tips on what I can do to make sure this is all setup right? I only see one area that S3 is even mentioned but I don’t see my S3 Bucket name or anything else anywhere in the settings. I did do a test backup and Kopia added a bunch of encrypted files to my S3 bucket, which is great!

I understand that KopiaUI is probably more bare bones than what you would get in CLI so that may be part of it.

Thank you for your help!

One more example here. When I am looking at my snapshots I can see the one I setup for S3 under local and all snapshots. Making me wonder if it is setup correctly…

Local snapshots refer to snapshots created by your current user on current host. All include any other snapshots. So it is normal that you see your backups in both categories.

I think that you should do a bit of reading how kopia works…

To get good feeling that all works I suggest you try to install kopia on some other computer and connect to the same S3 account. Then you will see 100% what you are backing up and that it exist in your S3 bucket. It would be also good exercise to learn how to get your files back when your original computer is gone (for whatever reason).

That is a good idea, I will set it up on another machine and get it all configured again and see what shows up. Thank you!

That exercise helped a lot and makes me feel confident in how I set things up.

How frequently would you recommend having Kopia take snapshots?

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It really depends and there is no one frequency fits all. For general purpose backups of my computer data I run it daily. But for some important data I work on (so it is changing all the time) I run it every couple of hours.