KopiaUI is only running the first time.

Hello everyone,

Happy new Year !!

I am a new Kopia user and like to run the Kopia GUI at Windows 10.
To install, I run KopiaUI-Setup-0.18.2.exe, so far so good, the main screen comes up and everything works fine.
I can create a repository, snapshot. Then i close the screen, but after that, it is not possible to run the KopiaUI again.
I double click the created KopiaUI icon, but nothing happened.

I have also try version 0.17.0 , same problem.

I hope somebody can help me.

Hello and happy new year too! :partying_face:

Kopia is started when clicking the link on your desktop or start menu, but the UI doesn’t show up. You need to click the little icon in the right corner of your taskbar.

Always try the latest version (currently v0.19.0) when having issues, as it might already contain some fixes.

Thanks dimejo, it works with the litte icon.

Glad you got it working. :slightly_smiling_face: