Windows 11 - No Gui - does not install

I am trying to installed the “kopia-0.17.0-windows-x64.exe” only thing that happens is the CLI flashes then goes away. I am not getting a prompt for a gui. I didn’t see about having to do anything special to get this to install.

You should use instead

Thank you, where was that listed ? I couldn’t find it

This section of the docs:


The UI binary is just a bit further down in the GitHub list than the one you found :slight_smile:

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ahhhhhhhhh of course it is, I was working on this late and didn’t keep scrolling down … Thanks for that !

I had exactly the same problem. Would make sense to at least put the word ‘win’ or ‘windows’ in that file name as was done with

Attempted several installs (various versions) for Windows 11… Problem persists … GUI seems to execute… Black Terminal screen flashes by… But nothing further… Please help!