Shadow Copy settings on KopiaUI

using the folder-action cmd for KopiaCLI, I was able to set the before/after-folder-actions for Shadow Copy in KopiaUI, in JSON REPRESENTATION I can see the configuration for “beforeFolder” and for “afterFolder”. When I take a snapshot, now in the “task” I read:

10:08:40.220 running action before-folder on C:\Users\Alessandro\Documents policy.ActionCommand{Command:“powershell”, Arguments:string{“-WindowStyle”, “Hidden”, “C:\KOPIA-CMD\before.ps1”}, Script:“”, TimeoutSeconds:300, Mode:“essential”}

But I do not read nothing about the after-folder action, the one that “clean everything up” (from Action guide). Is it normal? If yes, how can I verify that the “shadow copy” operation was successfull?

Thank You,

I’ve tested with a locked file, and it worked, it was able to snapshot it, in KopiaUI, I’m very happy.
Changing action-folder string (in the config) in “false” (ie disabling shadow copy event) it gives me the error that “the file was locked” (red triangle).
My only doubt, as I asked before, is why in task report I do not see anything about the after-folder action…
Thank You,

why not to run it once with --log-level debug? Then you can see all details.