Snapshotting single file

When I am performing a snapshot of a single file, rather than from a directory, the resulting snapshot starts with “Ix…” and is not visible afterwards in either KopiaUI or in the CLI, although the data has been transferred to the repository.

If this is not supported, selecting a single file shouldn’t be allowed… or it may be a bug. Here’s an example:

root@pandora:~# kopia snapshot /mnt/pve/vmBackup/template/iso/CentOS-Stream-8-x86_64-20191219-boot.iso
Snapshotting root@pandora:/mnt/pve/vmBackup/template/iso/CentOS-Stream-8-x86_64-20191219-boot.iso ...
 * 0 hashing, 1 hashed (626 MB), 0 cached (0 B), 0 uploaded (0 B), 0 errors
Created snapshot with root Ixf6c717bd9fc25ec003257fcaaa4f50fa and ID c40a4437925ad4963cbdd9b328d66af2 in 13s

Using KopiaUI, we can either type a path or open a dialog to browse. This second method doesn’t allow to pick a file (all are greyed out).

My guess is this is not supported.

After trying it for myself (stupid me!), I get a snapshot visible in the UI but empty.
Trying to delete it from the CLI I get:

kopia snapshot delete cdffbf4c50edab6d0679517e989cf2c3
kopia: error: error loading snapshot cdffbf4c50edab6d0679517e989cf2c3: unable to find manifest entries: not found, try --help

That is a CLI bug, it currently only allows you to delete using object IDs which are directory IDs. There’s a workaround, you should be able to list snapshots with manifests and delete by manifest ID:

To show manifest IDs (normally hidden):

$ kopia snap ls -m

Then use manifest ID to remove snapshot:

$ kopia snap delete <manifest-id>
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