Not sure why but the UI refuses to open, despite the fact it was working fine and only has a small handful of things being setup in the configuration.
I see a log file with this in it
2021-04-25 12:22:08.341 D [logger.go:254] unable to check for updates: unable to open update state file: open C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\kopia\repository.config.update-info.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
I have now logged a bug report for this fault as I can re-create it consistently.
I do wish the exclude section for folders, was a little more user friendly but you guys are clearly targetting multiple platforms and it is free, so the work is none the less appreciated.
(I’ve ‘fried’ my install 4 times today in testing and recovered it 4 times though, love how the backup configs, appear to be saved, inside the target storage repository, very nice)